I Closed My Eyes

I closed my eyes and...

everything seemed so quiet...
everything seemed so peaceful...
nothing to think of...
nothing to worry about...

I closed my eyes and...

i was alone...
i can hear myself breath...
i can hear my heartbeat...
i was calm...

I closed my eyes and...

i can pretend i am someone else..
i am somewhere else...
i am safe...

i closed my eyes and...

i wished you were there...
i hoped that it was your voice that i'd hear...
i prayed that it will be you that i will see...

i closed my eyes and..


It is you I wish I'd see when I open my eyes. It is you I'd look for. It is your voice I'd want to hear. It is you hand I would want to hold. It is you who I want so say "Everything will be fine. Everything will be ok."

Then everything will be better...


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