The Code of Kalantiaw - Final

After the early wake up call, the long waiting time, the lunch with my good, old friends, and the short tour of Kalibo, off we went to Batan, Aklan. From the port, it was a short boat ride, just like Boracay Island.. much like Boracay Island...
Mangroves on the way to Batan 
Upon arrival we were met by lots of people on the port and everyone wanted to take us to our destination. Here are some of the sites we saw in Batan, Aklan...
One of the Oldest Churches in the Philippines 
The Bell Tower

I then realized that I should have paid attention when my batch mate was telling us the name of this church. 

A closer look
The Altar
We then proceeded to the Shrine of the Code of Kalantiaw. It feels good to see something that was part of our history. My only frustration was that, the government had stopped the funding for the restoration of this shrine. Reason: Not a Priority.. Well, it's more fun in the Philippines, as the slogan goes. 

Well, the Shrine was just one of the stops. We went to Aklan to plan for our reunion, but what happened was, we had the time of our lives. Grand Vacation, like i kept telling my friends. I have not felt so relaxed in such a long time. 

And as the cliche goes... The Rest was History!!! 

Watch out for Byaherong Pinoy's next adventure...  


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