Byaherong Pinoy Adventures - The Code of Kalantiaw

I woke up today asking myself "when was the last time I wrote anything?".When was the last time i updated this blog? Answer: I think ages ago... To be honest, I really have not found the inspiration to write, heck.. I'm really so lazy that procrastination came so natural when I talk about updating this blog.

Before anything else... Happy April Fool's Day. I promised myself that come April 1, 2012, I'd be diligent enough to write... And today is April 1, 2012...

So I'm off to Batan, Aklan, a small town famous because of Datu Kalantiaw and his Code of Kalantiaw - a collection of 17 laws during the time of the Datu , before the coming of the Spaniards. 
The Code of Kalantiaw
I woke up very early in the morning as i had to take an hour plane ride to Kalibo, Aklan. My flight was at 8.30 am and i had to be in the airport early. Talk about not wanting to be late. I left around 5.30 and was at the airport at around 6.30 am. Early bird catches...well early bird gets bored.. 

Haloed Devil aka Byaherong Pinoy fools around 
Kalibo International Airport
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
It was around 9.00 am when i reached Kalibo International Airport, and i had a lot of waiting time. Good thing my high school batchmates were there to keep me company. We had breakfast, snacks (merienda), lunch and another set of snacks (merienda) before my other batch mates arrived. 

UPIS Batch 1992 
Come 12.30 pm, we were off for some sight seeing... First Stop, lunch (courtesy of Van Tumbocon). A ten minute ride towards Batan, Aklan, we found ourselves in a secluded eatery along the river. Though I thought   I was still full from the eating binge I had while waiting, the enticing selection of seafood dishes made me realize there was enough space in my tummy.
Dining (posing ) by the River 
A pose before lunch

After lunch, we decided to go on tour. Since we knew that our other batch mates were to arrive late in the afternoon, we had time to go around. Next stop, Sampaguita Gardens... 

Sampaguita was a photographer's haven and a real nice place to visit. I still wonder why this place is not getting enough attention. Well probably because you have Boracay Island somewhere up north. I'll probably be writing more about Sampaguita Gardens. But for now. let me just share a photo...

Sampaguita Gardens

A brief tour of this place was quite refreshing yet i knew there is more to this trip than just the lunch by the riverside, the wide array of seafood dishes, and the Sampaguita Gardens.

to be continued...


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