
The night before I flew to Pakistan, I engaged Hanna (+) in an arguement. She didn't wan't me to go.
My reputation probably preceded me.. Come to think of it, I was, let's just say i was a Big Flirt. She was afraid that I'd do something stupid.

She accompanied me at the airport the next day and was still adamant that I don't go. I had to... It was a business trip. I had to go to that roadshow.

Upon checking in... i glanced back at her.

She looked at me and I still remember those sad eyes. Then she said.. TRUST! while holding her heart she waived.

Today, she reminded me about it.

Yes, I have trust issues only because I've been hurt so much already. As I step towards a new phase in my life, i know that this new found relationship should be built around trust.

I know i get jealous most of the time, i know i have trust issues. But people have trusted me with their lives and i know i should trust them as well.

Thank you Kawawang Kuting for opening my heart, opening my eyes and for telling me that it is ok to love again..  Thank you Kawawang Kuting for reminding me the meaning of TRUST..

Thank you ..

Haloed Devil


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