
You sat there looking away, not responding to any of the efforts I made just to get your attention. I called your name, too many times in fact that I lost track of the count.

There was no reaction... Nothing!

I asked you what was wrong and you just gave me a blank stare. I was confused, I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, your eyes were watery. I knew something was amiss. Again, I asked you "What's the matter?" yet you still ignored me. Then tears fell from your eyes like rain pouring from the sky. You managed to be brave and you looked at me. Straight into my eye you said " Nothing".

Am I that insensitive to believe that nothing was wrong even if I saw the tears falling from your eyes?
Am I that naive to know that you are fine considering you were crying?
Am that stupid to think that this was all a joke?
Am I?

Seeing you cry was one thing, making you cry made me feel like Ice melting under the blistering heat of the sun. I felt guilty.

Then I said " Sorry" for i felt it was the logical thing to do and i also felt things would be better. so i thought. No amount of apology was enough to stop you from crying, from feeling bad. I knew I did something wrong.

That moment, I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces. At that moment... I felt so little, I felt so small.

"How many times have I done this to you?" I asked myself.

"We always hurt the ones we love..." A friend told me this once.

But you did not deserve this.. Again I said sorry and I walked away feeling guilty. I have wronged you. You were hurt. The pain I felt making you cry could never be equal to anything. I have been measured.. and I have been found...

Dubai's Haloed Devil 


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