My Valentine Story

Taking off from Andrew Shepard's speech in the American President...

I have loved three women in my life... two I lost to better men, one I lost tragically.
     " It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all " 

To love someone is remarkable, to be loved in return is truly wonderful, a marvel to behold.

Loving someone gives me the true meaning of happiness, it gave me joy. Being loved is a bliss.I have loved three women in my life. One I lost because I never really fought for her. The other one I lost because i held her too tight. The third... let's just say " She was forcibly taken away from me".

The first was "puppy" love as my friends would call it. Infatuation blown out of proportion. I was young, naive, careless and stupid. I enjoyed the company of my friends, my classmates, my teammates and even my playmates. I was in the basketball court, swimming pool, at a friend's house, in school most of the time. I never really understood how it is to keep a relationship, how to make it work. I took her for granted. The day  she broke up with me broke my heart into a million pieces. It took me a while before i recovered. Breaking up was frustrating, seeing her with another man made me truly miserable. The idea of him being the better man and that she would be taken cared of properly made me decide to let go. I guess I never really tried to win her back.

The second was "perfect" love and so I thought. We met in college. I thought I have learned from my previous relationship.We were together almost every minute of the day. We were together in every school activity. Our plans for our future were so precise. I decided on what we should and should not do. I was becoming a control freak. She started losing her identity. She wanted to be someone different. She wanted to step out of my shadow and be who she's supposed to be. I was holding her too tight. Nature has its way of correcting itself, when we started working, we spent less time together. My work required me to travel a lot. Though we had constant communication, we just drifted apart. We outgrew each other. We were no longer the perfect couple. We kept on fighting and arguing. We tried to make it work. Until the day she told me she had met someone else. Someone better... I loved her so much that I had to let her go.. She was no longer happy.

I tried winning her back, but the harder I tried the farther she went. The tighter i held on to her pushed her away beyond my reach.

The third was "true" love. We were exact opposites, we were just too complicated for each other. I inculcated in myself that I will never fall in love with a friend. She was the only exception. We became friends, enemies, best friends, worst enemies and finally we became lovers.. We became husband and wife. Although we had different opinions all the time, we were just inseparable. I have met my match in her. She was head strong, intelligent, sensitive, caring, thoughtful, loving. She embodied the 10 perfect traits of the woman I was looking for. She was Beauty, Brains, Bravado personified. She brought out the best in me. Tragically, I lost her to heart attack.  

I have loved three women in my life.

I have loved and lost...

Dubai's Haloed Devil


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