Being Alone
Love is in the air. Couples seem sweeter. Restaurants filled up. Yep. No more reservations. Fully booked. Roses seem to abound as well. Flowers are everywhere. Happy Heart's Day. Happy Valentine's Day. What ever people may call it, this truly is the season of love.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to spend this day with your love one, your inspiration, your honey, your sweetheart? Have that dinner by the candle light. Take that leisurely walk together. Watch your favorite movie together. Sit by the seashore and watch the sun go down. Lie down on the fields while you both count the stars. You both close your eyes as you wish on a shooting star. Dream about the future together. Cuddle up while mentioning sweet nothings.
Now the key word here is "couple". But how is it when you are just alone. Alone by chance, alone by choice. What about those people that don't have someone in their lives right now.
Being alone is not all that bad. You get to enjoy the day to yourself. Pamper yourself, go to a spa, get that massage you've been longing for after the long tiring week. Have that haircut. Stay in the tub as long as you want. Go swim, go play basketball or volleyball, go biking. Go watch a movie. Take that evening stroll, shoot photos of couples or what ever that catches your interest. Buy your self a gift. Invite friends over. Read a good book. Laugh your night away. Go enjoy the things that make you happy.
Oh one more thing. Call the people that matter to you most and greet them today. Send them an email. Send an SMS. Get connected. Share the love.
Give love not only on Christmas Day.. Share love everyday. Happy Valentine' Day everyone.
Dubai's Haloed Devil
happy velentine's day!