Going Back to the Basics

Today was truly a remarkable day for me..

I was able to get reacquainted with my first love... baking...
It was not only a refresher course for making a dough.. and decorating a cake.. i got to learn new bread variations as well.

It was truly amazing how our two instructors were able to cope with the demand of their bakeshop considering they were only two (one was in charge of bread making, the other cake preparations) and the fact that their kitchen was too limited to operate as a bakeshop kitchen..

They had four chillers - two on top of the other two, a stove, a holding area, two counter tops, an overly used mixer and an old fashioned oven - a very old convection oven, all cramped up in a very small space. A far cry from pastry kitchens I saw back in school, back in my practicum days, and even those times i'd get the chance to bake a cake...

Call me naive or whatever, but these guys only had the essentials to run a bakery kitchen. They made do with whatever they had and yet I was still fascinated how they'd meet the demands of the bakeshop across the street, how they still manage to beat deadlines and still deliver  fine and delicious products.

As we traversed back home, I reflected on the things that happened. Maybe, that is just what i need. No! not to bake again but to live a much simpler life. Maybe, just maybe, i am really spreading myself too thin. I needed to go back to the basics.

Maybe it would be easier if i give importance only to the things that are essential, only the things that matter. Maybe it would be easier if i tell myself that only true friends matter. Maybe it would be better if i forget about those friends that take me for granted and befriend me only because of convenience.

Maybe if i stop the wasted motions, life would be easier. Maybe if i talk less, my world will be more quiet. Maybe if i exerted less effort, i wouldn't be this tired. Maybe if I made only those that matter happy then I'd be elated. Maybe if i help only those that i care for, it would be much simple.

My overwhelming desire to make everyone happy, help everyone truly is inspiring. But I ask myself... Am I still doing the right thing? Have I forgotten who I really am? Have I neglected myself ?  Am I still fighting the fights that are worth fighting for? Or am i just being too selfish..

Tonight I sleep with a heavy heart. I feel guilty. I feel bad..
Tomorrow, I hope, things will be different. Things are a lot simpler.

Dubai's Haloed Devil


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