
Showing posts from October, 2010

One of those Days

I thought that by not sleeping enough the previous day would make me feel very, very tired that once I reach home from work, I'll lie down and fall asleep. Well it's just one of those days. I lied down thinking i'd fall asleep immediately but I was wrong. I grabbed my PSP so i'd fall into a trance and be hypnotized to sleep. I got excited with the game and my energy level shot up. So I decided to watch a dvd movie to lower down my adrenaline. I watched the American President. Michael Douglas and Annette Benning. As I came to towards the end part, depression started creeping in ... Strange, well not really. I expected this to happen, since every september, october and november, i knew i'd be having these episodes. Tears started falling.. I was depressed. The tears didn't want to stop.. i felt really sad... Then, just like that.. i said to myself " Enough.. Enough Now!"

Fatigue finally caught up..

Just too tired to write anything?  Yes, today was a really fruitful day. I woke up early and participated on the annual clean up drive. Went home. Rex prepared lunch which i say was truly delicious. Traveled to Abu Dhabi. Had dinner with real nice folks.. Came back.. updated blogs, fb and websites. then finally i realized that fatigue has now caught up.. time for a snooze.. but i need.. to ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Contributing to the environment

Woke up early today to join Lightform of Dubai's Clean Up Drive. I(We) had to get ready as early as 6.00 am to be at Mamzar Open Beach for the activity. We joined forces with  representatives of different Filipino Groups to pick up trash all over the beach front. With the number of participants today, literally no stones were left unturned. Representing UPAA UAE for the event, with Tinette, Lloyd and Rex , we were also joined by other members  . Although they were there to support their other family(group), it was still a pleasure seeing Fe, Jane, Sir Allan, Ziny, Rico and his wife and other who's name i just can't remember. At the end of a tiring day, with friends in tow, this activity makes you feel good knowing that you've contributed.

Up until 3.00 am

I can't sleep.. been trying too. A lot of thoughts have been running inside my mind.. Don't they ever get tired? These thoughts of mine? I am actually not surprised as i drank 7 cups of coffee earlier today. As i posted in twitter, for someone who doesn't like and drink coffee that much , i had 7 cups. Imagine 7 cups, no wonder I am still awake.. I have exhausted all the songs in my hard drive, started this blog, prepared spaghetti, chat with people i don't know, stared at the ceiling, and what ever else I can think of. My Mom would always tell me that when i grow older sleeping would be a luxury. I did not believe her, but she was right.

Finally i learned how to cook spaghetti

I know my friends would laugh if they knew about this. This are one of my confessions, yes my friends, i just recently learned how to make spaghetti. It was funny since i have read probably a dozen cook books, recipe books and even those that are found behind labels of a popular tomato can. I know how to do it, but probably i was just not too brave to try it. As was afraid either to over cook the noodles and make it look soggy or under cook it that it would not feel right to eat it. But yes, my friends, tonight I've mustered enough courage to do it. Well, preparing it was one thing, making it taste good was another. Like they say, practice makes perfect...